Ne Touchez Pas 5 Coming March 2019

Ne Touchez Pas 5 is coming on March 2nd 2019, the tenth anniversary of Ne Touchez Pas 3!
The series, started in 2008, was originally a tribute game to Messhof’s excellent Flywrench (the 2007 original). Featuring a flappy little bird, you had to navigate a series of levels with a simple rule – don’t touch the walls.
The previous game, Ne Touchez Pas 4, was released in 2010, and made for a YoYo Games competition shortly before I joined the company for a five year stint as a professional game developer. Since then, I’ve always wanted to make the fifth – and finally, nine years later, here it is!
The previous instalment is also currently available on for those curious, although 5 is a vast improvement in almost every way – double the levels, more obstacles, more easy levels, more hard levels, a resolution more fitting modern times, and a better coat of paint overall.